Fly on the Wall AUDIO Available Soon!!! NT
Fly on the Wall AUDIO Available Soon!!! NT
Item# Flyonthewall

....please photo copy her file. Peterson? The lady on the news? Yes. Sure.

Professional fees. Tick-Tock bill that clock. One billion and counting...

It's time to pay the people!

The "Z" Factor.

From the inside out ....get the "real" story! Cook book recipes included.

Looking back at the ups and downs...zigs and zags...did you see what was clearly missing? ...other than money of course.,,,

Tax, tax, tax and....much more back behind the tax door🙊😉.


Sold like a slave. Who wants to go back to the mountaintop? The tip is impossible to balance, go ahead, shove em off. After all, what are friends for? One, two, three on three the secret is out.......letron. At the intersection of...."........behind the lights, where the bugs crawl way down in the deepest cracks of hacks."...Sold like a slave.

"She was visibly shaken, the thoroughbred with blinders on......I think someone is taping my phone conversation......"

"There it is...the black widow. We see him on Friday afternoon with his the thief of the night then he to and from RDU airport....before anyone can see him.....paint you a picture....."

"Executive conference he, a very important person, speaks with strength and records the flushing of the commode, perfect!...."

"Meet me in the warehouse.........emergency........"

Tella me amour

....her weakness, the Achilles heel, those green engineer...betrayed? Her secret was safe...

Enron. Here a copy, there a copy...did you see it all? Maybe, maybe not? Are they real? What do you think?

A book you will not want to miss....

Yo FOOL! God's delays are not his denials. Did you ever read the Tortoise and the Hare? Here is a link for you to enjoy.....while you wait. The BEST is always save(d) to the LAST. Like a thoroughbred in last place🐎 PS:Tic toc.


International audience:

Beep.🐢 “Patience is the necessary ingredient for genius.” (Disraeli)